Friday, August 27, 2010

Weekend shopping

After one particularly heinous car repair bill, I put myself on probation from buying. This lasted for about 2 weeks, and now I am ready to start spending. But I am approaching this new buying with a thrifty (-ish) attitude (see choices below). Because let me tell you, if you spend your whole paycheck on clothes and food, you will be punished by a $2000 car bill, and you will have to sell your soul for a new Motor Mount.

Airy Shirt (sidenote: I already have this, and I am ordering it in two new colors. Best purchase of the summer. Its so cute with out the belt under cardigans, etc. I recommend.)

1 comment:

mcl said...

New apartment lease is equivalent to several heinous car repair bills, so I'm on your same page. I like