Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Musings on Houston Homes

I'm warming up to Houston. The food is great, there is so much to do and I actually like the heat. BUT, I still really miss the beautiful old homes in Atlanta. I guess it's that "Everything's Bigger in Texas" mentality, but the houses here are so new and McMansion-like (there are SOME exceptions of course). While reading a recent article in Atlanta Homes and Lifestyles, I realized what is missing here: a timeless style. Homes that will only get more beautiful with time. In Houston, they will only be bulldozed to build a bigger spec house (eek.... a little bitter?)! Just looking at these houses from the article makes me miss the old, established, tasteful homes in Atlanta (and Souper Jenny).

All images via

1 comment:

fkristin said...

I agree!!! I'm a landscape architect form Athens,GA and I've been in Houston for 7 years now...